WHAT???? The Photinias are gone!

Oh my gosh!   The photinias have been cut down and removed.  Fungus attacked the leaves, so we had them cut down.  They were just cut to the ground, not pulled out by the roots.  It has left a major weirdness to our yard.  It looks like a tornado hit our backyard.  I can see neighbor’s houses that I haven’t seen in years.  Sigh.

At first, I thought it was darned ugly.  OK….I still do.  There’s a lot of work to be done.  Then I started thinking about how my shade is gone, and now I have sunlight to work with.  I sit in my lawn chair, and try to envision all of the things I can do with a garden that gets sun.  I’m still awake at midnight, trying to look for ideas online.   We need height variations, and lots of color.  My hubby planted three small crepe myrtle trees.  The fact is, the ground is full of rocks, just below the surface.  Very hard to dig.


I’ve been collecting plants, the last several weeks.  Last night, we went to Lowe’s to look at their plants.  My husband finally cut me off….he said “you’re just like a kid in the candy store!  You can’t buy anything else until you get these planted.”     OK…OK…but of course I’m going out of town for Memorial Day weekend.  And hey…I still haven’t found any purple cone flowers.  I NEED those!  I have a vision!


How are all of you doing on your gardens??  Do you grow flowers or veggies, or both?

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A Day at the Science and History Museum


Last week, I took my grandson, Isaac, to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  What a treat!!!   He didn’t want to leave.  That seems to be the reaction of most of the kids visiting the museum.  It is a museum that educates in a fun way, with everything from dinosaurs to the Omni Theater, where you can see movies in a surround type view.  There is also the Noble Planetarium, where you view the stars and learn about their stories.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Though we could have gone outside to dig for dinosaur bones,  it was a warm day so we stayed in the building.  We spent some time in the Energy exhibit.  In this exhibit, Isaac’s favorite part was a big city, that you could push buttons to light up different features.  BUT…his big thing was the little train that rain all around the city.  He loved the Choo Choo!  There was also an area that had a giant truck.  The wheels were bigger than him.


Throughout the museum, there was a nice gift shop, a cafe, and an area for older kids to explore and create things.  We stayed in the younger kids’ play area.  Oh my goodness!  It was wonderful.   It had a train area, to set up your own train on tracks, a grocery store to shop and buy things, and a really neat hospital area.  The hospital area had an ambulance, baby beds and babies, x-rays, and dress-up area.  This was very popular because the ambulance had a siren and you could drive it.

Though we came back to these areas several times, the really big draw on this hot day, was playing outside in the water/block building area.  Isaac loves to play with water.  He was in his glory!


                It was a glorious day…then..naptime!

The Spring Gardening Update



It’s time for a garden update.  So when do I really, really want to get out and work on my garden????  When it’s a cold, rainy day, and I’m stuck in the house.  We’ve had two of those days this past week, and now it’s sunny and 83 degrees.  I didn’t want to get out today, because I had other things to do.  Truthfully….I’m a major procrastinator!

Yesterday, I did some “invisible gardening”.  What???   Yes, I trimmed a little here and there, pulled a big of grass, and planted about a dozen bulbs.  No one can tell that I did that, of course, so that’s what I call “invisible gardening”.  Hopefully, it will all show up later, in a month or so.

I think the front flower beds are looking better.  A few things are starting to bloom.  I still need to put some more color in them, but my yellow lantanas are looking good, and my stella d’oros also look good.  I can’t wait for my elephant ears to come up!

The back yard is a different kettle of fish.  I’ve had some plants, from the nursery, sitting on my patio for quite awhile.  They are ready to plant.  The ground is not ready.  I need to get it all prepared.  I have a Secret Garden in the back corner of the yard.  Most of these plants will go there.  I’ve filled flower pots on the patio.  One of the wisterias is starting to really fill out.  The other one died over the winter.  We thought it might be cursed, but then we found out that the lower vine had been cut.  Duh!


The saddest part of our back yard is our photinias.  We planted 12 of these when we moved in, about 15 years ago.  They’ve grown like trees and shaded the whole back yard.  They’ve provided some privacy.  Everyone has always liked the lush feel of our backyard.

The photinias have all died this year.  They have some kind of fungus.  We have someone coming, in another week, to cut them down to the ground. They’ll haul them away.  My whole garden sunlight will change.  It’s sad, but I’m kind of excited to plant some new flowering shrubs, and have more sunlight to grow things.  Hope they don’t have to tear our my rose bush to get to the photinias.

Stay tuned for the next update on the garden.

We will be having a photinia memorial service  at the end of next week.

A Good Case For Not Shaving My Legs!!


hate to shave my legs!!!   I hate, hate, HATE to shave my legs!!!

When I was in about 7th or 8th grade, I begged my mom to buy me some hose.  Now, these were not pantyhose, which are practically a disappearing act by now.  Nope, these were hose that required a rubbery garter belt.  I felt so proud to finally wear my hose, even though the garter belt would start rolling down my stomach.  I’m not sure who ever thought garter belts were sexy, but these sure weren’t!   And…I constantly got runs in my hose.  People started identifying me as “the girl who has runs in her hose.”   Someone who thought up pantyhose must have made millions of dollars!   OK..yes..I still got runs in them.  But they felt so much better.

Shortly after being allowed to wear hose, I told my mom I needed to learn how to shave my legs.  She told me how to do that.  We did not have an indoor bathroom until I was in 8th grade.  We did have running water, and had a sink in the mudroom.  So I propped my leg on a chair, used daddy’s shaving brush in the little soap cup, and soaped it down.  I think I used mom’s razor.  It took me forever.  But I was so proud that I went into the living room and showed the family.  My brother thought it was rather dumb.  Then I proceeded to shave the other leg.  I kind of wanted to get a little nick around my ankle, because my brother was dating a girl that had recently visited us.  She had a tiny bandaid on her ankle bone, where she had cut herself shaving.  I was in awe.

After I finished shaving both legs, I put on some of Daddy’s aftershave.  It stung like crazy, and I smelled like my Daddy.  When I later mentioned to my friends that I used Daddy’s aftershave, they howled with laughter.  Hmmph!

The fun soon wore off, and I grew to hate shaving my legs.  I used to joke with friends that “I’ll shave my legs when the braids get in between the pedals of the piano.”  Once, when my hubby and I were on vacation, we had been camping for a week.  On our way home, I developed kidney stones.  When we went to the emergency room, I refused to be examined because I hadn’t shaved my legs.

This morning, I sat on the edge of my bathtub and finally did the dreaded deed.  This time, I put some nice lotion on my legs afterwards.  Unfortunately, when I stood up to swing my legs over the tub and dry them off, I slipped in the tub and fell backwards.  I’m really surprised I didn’t break anything.  I think I’m going to have some big bruises.  Grrrr.

I think I’m ready for the button you push and say “Help!  I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”    Wearing long pants all year round is looking better and better!

What are your thoughts on shaving legs?  Do you shave your legs every day?  Or for special occasions?  Or do you never shave your legs?   I’m interested in your thoughts.  Comment below, and give this a LIKE if you liked this article.


Texas Blue Bonnet Fun With Isaac!


The last few weeks have been an ideal time to find blue bonnets in our area of Texas.  They are so beautiful this year!   Boppa and I decided to take our grandson, Isaac, to find a nice area and take some photos.

We drove to Ennis, Texas.  Ennis has a really neat park, which is called Blue Bonnet Park.  It has a lake, play grounds, and a big area with tons of blue bonnets.  There were several bus loads of kids that were playing in the play ground.  Yes…as a former teacher…I recognize the need for that, the last few weeks of school!!!

We walked around the lake, and found good spots to take photos.  It was just a beautiful setting!   To Isaac, it was ok.  I had to stop him from walking into the lake.

But the part that Isaac really  loved was the buses parked along the curve!   Ohhhhh, that boy loves buses and trains!    We walked back and checked them out.  The driver even let Isaac get on the bus and sit in it.  Wow!  Later, we saw all of the kids get back on the bus, and they drove off to school.

Next, we went to the playground .  Boppa and Isaac played on the slide.  Then we headed back home.  It was maybe a 45 minute drive each way.  It made for a nice outing.


Sometimes though, it’s nice to just get back home to Grandma and Boppa’s house.  Enjoying a bit of water play, Isaac ended up pouring water over his head and giggling.  It’s a good thing we had some extra clothes!!!   He also enjoyed building a tower with his blocks.


It was a good day.  Grandma and Boppa needed a nap!   LOL
