A Day at the Science and History Museum


Last week, I took my grandson, Isaac, to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  What a treat!!!   He didn’t want to leave.  That seems to be the reaction of most of the kids visiting the museum.  It is a museum that educates in a fun way, with everything from dinosaurs to the Omni Theater, where you can see movies in a surround type view.  There is also the Noble Planetarium, where you view the stars and learn about their stories.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Though we could have gone outside to dig for dinosaur bones,  it was a warm day so we stayed in the building.  We spent some time in the Energy exhibit.  In this exhibit, Isaac’s favorite part was a big city, that you could push buttons to light up different features.  BUT…his big thing was the little train that rain all around the city.  He loved the Choo Choo!  There was also an area that had a giant truck.  The wheels were bigger than him.


Throughout the museum, there was a nice gift shop, a cafe, and an area for older kids to explore and create things.  We stayed in the younger kids’ play area.  Oh my goodness!  It was wonderful.   It had a train area, to set up your own train on tracks, a grocery store to shop and buy things, and a really neat hospital area.  The hospital area had an ambulance, baby beds and babies, x-rays, and dress-up area.  This was very popular because the ambulance had a siren and you could drive it.

Though we came back to these areas several times, the really big draw on this hot day, was playing outside in the water/block building area.  Isaac loves to play with water.  He was in his glory!


                It was a glorious day…then..naptime!