The Spring Gardening Update



It’s time for a garden update.  So when do I really, really want to get out and work on my garden????  When it’s a cold, rainy day, and I’m stuck in the house.  We’ve had two of those days this past week, and now it’s sunny and 83 degrees.  I didn’t want to get out today, because I had other things to do.  Truthfully….I’m a major procrastinator!

Yesterday, I did some “invisible gardening”.  What???   Yes, I trimmed a little here and there, pulled a big of grass, and planted about a dozen bulbs.  No one can tell that I did that, of course, so that’s what I call “invisible gardening”.  Hopefully, it will all show up later, in a month or so.

I think the front flower beds are looking better.  A few things are starting to bloom.  I still need to put some more color in them, but my yellow lantanas are looking good, and my stella d’oros also look good.  I can’t wait for my elephant ears to come up!

The back yard is a different kettle of fish.  I’ve had some plants, from the nursery, sitting on my patio for quite awhile.  They are ready to plant.  The ground is not ready.  I need to get it all prepared.  I have a Secret Garden in the back corner of the yard.  Most of these plants will go there.  I’ve filled flower pots on the patio.  One of the wisterias is starting to really fill out.  The other one died over the winter.  We thought it might be cursed, but then we found out that the lower vine had been cut.  Duh!


The saddest part of our back yard is our photinias.  We planted 12 of these when we moved in, about 15 years ago.  They’ve grown like trees and shaded the whole back yard.  They’ve provided some privacy.  Everyone has always liked the lush feel of our backyard.

The photinias have all died this year.  They have some kind of fungus.  We have someone coming, in another week, to cut them down to the ground. They’ll haul them away.  My whole garden sunlight will change.  It’s sad, but I’m kind of excited to plant some new flowering shrubs, and have more sunlight to grow things.  Hope they don’t have to tear our my rose bush to get to the photinias.

Stay tuned for the next update on the garden.

We will be having a photinia memorial service  at the end of next week.