Enjoying A Fun Week With Grandchildren!

Last week, we kept our two grandkids from Oklahoma, and on two days, our grandson from here.  They all played together nicely…for the most part.  The two youngest are almost two and almost three.  The oldest boy just turned six.  Basically, we could say that we have two that are in the terrible two stage.  They are getting better at sharing, but still struggle a bit with that.  The word NO seems to come up a lot.  But they’re all a joy.   Here are some of the things we did last week.

Liam loves to play with his legos, so that was his big activity.   Libby wasn’t sure about Bill, the dog, but she shared her snack with him.  Libby was big into Paw Patrol.    We watched a lot of that.  Isaac wanted to watch anything with buses or trains.  His favorite is “Blippi and the bus”.  Have any of you discovered Blippi yet?  He’s silly and does a ton of educational , fun videos for kids.

The kids played with play doh, made some pictures with Bingo daubers, and played in the sand pile.  After that, they needed popsicles.  I tried making my own for the first time.  They turned out pretty neat!

Boppa took the older two kids fishing.  They each caught a fish, and Boppa caught a big turtle.

One night, we went over to Isaac’s house and played with his toys.  That was pretty exciting.  They also danced as we were getting ready for dinner.  Alexa is just a wonderful thing for kids…they can choose their dance tunes.  This video is not really good quality, but it shows the spirit of the dance.  (I’m sorry…can’t figure out how to make the video photo smaller.)

We made Fairy Gardens for them to play with, and take home.  That was fun.  Grandma finally got a robot vacuum cleaner, and it was a great “toy” to watch.

At the end of the week, I asked Liam what was the best thing he did all week.  I listed all of the things for him that we did.  He thought about it for awhile, and said “I think it was the fire truck I made with the Legos.”   LOL  That boy is a Lego whiz!!

Boppa and Grandma had a good time too.  But…we were exhausted by the end of the week.  We’ve had a week of rest.  Now we’ll see them again this weekend.  Yes!

What do you do to entertain your grandkids?   If you liked this, press the “like” button.

Grandma Ruddell