Did that attract your attention??? LOL Well, my hubby DID just leave me for a week. He will be staying downtown Ft. Worth, to help with the Main Street Arts Festival. If you’ve never attended one of these festivals, you should! You’ll be in for a treat. We go, every year, and I try to buy something fun and funky. (Bring lots of money…it’s a juried art festival and it’s rather expensive.) There will be concerts, food trucks, and many things happening. The festival starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday. Here are a couple of the things I’ve bought in the past years.

Speaking of art…..remember in a post, a few posts back, that I mentioned that my grandkids had been here for a few days? They made a big jail, out of a box, and had a great time decorating it with black magic marker? Well. When I entered the laundry room, and shut the door, I found some incriminating artwork. Check it out! Nope…it was permanent marker…it won’t come off. At least it wasn’t somewhere in a highly visible part of the house. I love my grandkids….I love my grandkids….I love my grandkids……..

I spent a few days with my two oldest grandkids, while their parents were doing other things. We had a lot of fun. They played with their dog. They styled my hair. It rained so we went to McDonald’s to eat and play, only to discover their McDonald’s didn’t have a play place. WHAT???!!! It was fun to go to their schools and walk them home.

On the way home, I stopped at Winstar for a little distraction, and to help out the Native Americans with their Education funds. I was down to my last $20, and I put it in a machine, as I was about to go out the door. Spent 68c, and got a bonus. It paid me $970. You probably heard me screaming and yelling, didn’t you?? LOL I stayed longer, and went home with more than that. I was so happy.

I’m gradually working on our garden and yard. It’s a mess. I did paint my pots, to add a little color. Now for the weeding and planting. How are you coming along with your gardens and yard? Leave me a comment and tell me what’s happening with you. And don’t forget to subscribe. Scroll all the way to the bottom of your page of posts, on your phone, and you’ll find the subscription thing.
Grandma Sherry