February is such a fun month for kids and adults, alike. Here are 10 things I love about February.
- The weather changes a lot. We almost always get snow or ice around Valentine’s Day. Snow is unique in Texas. With 1/2 inch of snow, you will see school’s out, and lots of snowmen.
- I love Valentine’s Day!! It’s a day of love and showing someone else how much you like/love them. I like to put up my decorations and have fun with it.
- Valentine’s Day is also my Anniversary. I married my sweetie 47 years ago. Sometimes though, he thinks I only need one gift, to serve both occasions.
- Helping my Grandkids make and decorate Valentine’s cookies. Love those kids!
- Giving lessons to my piano students. I had three new students this month…all brothers. They are so fun!
- Planting pansies and preparing to plant other plants.
- Planning my garden for Spring.
- Going to Bunko, Ladies’ Poker and Mexican Bingo
- Having a Super Bowl Party
- Singing in my church choir, being a liturgist and teaching children’s church…things that make me happy.

What are your favorite things about February? Leave me a comment . That section is either on the side with the #words, or at the bottom , under the Other things you might like. If you liked this post, press Like. That helps me!
Grandma Ruddell