A couple of years ago, my dear hubby built me a wonderful, sturdy above ground planter. We called it our “coffin”, because it looked like one, when he made it. I was so proud of it, and proud of him for making it. I’ve enjoyed planting flowers and plants in it. This past summer, I planted one cucumber, and it kind of took over. A month ago, I cleaned that out and planted some pansies. So pretty!!

Yesterday, I went out to make my daily circle around the back yard, and found a major surprise! The bottom had caved out of my planter. WHAT???? So we are trying to analyze what happened. Yes, we’ve had a little rain, but not that much. Had some of the bottom soil turned to clay? Were the holes not big enough for drainage? Had some animal gotten in there and messed around? Who knows? This will be my hubby’s new project, for the New Year.

Have any of you ever had the bottom fall out of your planter? How did you solve this problem? What kind of plants do you have, right now? My pansies are pretty…some others WERE pretty.
Such is my world today. Guess it’s pretty minor, compared to many others and their problems. Sigh.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Grandma Sherry