I LOVE: The arrival of fall! I hope you’ve had a great September. We also had our trying times. My hubby had covid. My backyard weeds are ridiculous, in my flower beds. It’s just been too hot to bother with them. That’s my next goal. But, overall, it was a good month. There’s something about … Continue reading “TEN THINGS I LOVE ABOUT SEPTEMBER”
The arrival of fall!
The Texas State Fair begins.
I can open my windows to let in a breeze.
I’m able to go for a walk, and not die of heat within a minute.
School has began again, giving us good schedules to work around.
My piano students are all back from their summer relaxation.
Making pumpkin pie and hearty crockpot meals.
Decorating for Fall and Halloween.
Spending time with my grandkids.
Seeing the change of seasons in the garden.
I hope you’ve had a great September. We also had our trying times. My hubby had covid. My backyard weeds are ridiculous, in my flower beds. It’s just been too hot to bother with them. That’s my next goal. But, overall, it was a good month. There’s something about Fall arriving that makes me want all things cozy.
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February is such a fun month for kids and adults, alike. Here are 10 things I love about February.
The weather changes a lot. We almost always get snow or ice around Valentine’s Day. Snow is unique in Texas. With 1/2 inch of snow, you will see school’s out, and lots of snowmen.
I love Valentine’s Day!! It’s a day of love and showing someone else how much you like/love them. I like to put up my decorations and have fun with it.
Valentine’s Day is also my Anniversary. I married my sweetie 47 years ago. Sometimes though, he thinks I only need one gift, to serve both occasions.
Helping my Grandkids make and decorate Valentine’s cookies. Love those kids!
Giving lessons to my piano students. I had three new students this month…all brothers. They are so fun!
Planting pansies and preparing to plant other plants.
Planning my garden for Spring.
Going to Bunko, Ladies’ Poker and Mexican Bingo
Having a Super Bowl Party
Singing in my church choir, being a liturgist and teaching children’s church…things that make me happy.
Anniversary bouquet
Isaac frosting sugar cookies
What are your favorite things about February? Leave me a comment . That section is either on the side with the #words, or at the bottom , under the Other things you might like. If you liked this post, press Like. That helps me!
There’s nothing like Texas weather in February!!! Is it winter? Is it Spring? Is it Summer? Sheesh! Today, it feels like early Spring. The rest of the week is going to be in the 70’s.
If we ever get snow, it’s usually around Valentine’s Day. This year, the bad weather arrived two weeks early. It came in the form of a sleet storm, in Ft. Worth, with very frigid weather. My son, and sister-in-law , live in the Austin area. They had a severe ice storm that brought down trees and wires, all over Austin. My sister-in-law and hubby just had their electricity turned back on, this past week. They were without electricity for about 10 days, and ended up being at a hotel for five or six of those days. They are still cleaning up debris. All of the streets in their area are lined with piles of tree branches. Austin and Ft. Worth, and surrounding areas had multiple wrecks. It was all quite the mess.
And then……we had a beautiful sunset ! Don’t like the weather in Texas? Stick around!
A beautiful sunset.
Two years ago, we rented a condo for Valentine’s week. We were at a lake, southwest of Austin. Our anniversary is on Valentine’s Day, so we like to celebrate in some fashion. As were at the condo unit, we had a major ice storm. We were iced in, and there was hardly anyone at the resort. During the week, two gentlemen had had their unit flood from burst pipes. They asked if they could come in and get warm. They ended up staying with us for that week. It was an interesting experience, with no water, and roving electricity. We played a lot of cards.
Old door mat
Pansies in the flower pots, and new door mat. My dad made the head.
So here we are in the middle of February. It’s starting to feel Springy. I decided to rip out the dead plants from my front porch planters…it’s about time!….and plant some pansies. I also bought a new door mat for the porch. So far, that’s all I have done, but oh, I feel so much better! Now, I need to get my back flower pots done, and get the garden areas cleaned out. Truthfully, I love Spring! That is one reason I’m glad we moved to Texas. Spring comes earlier here.
How is the weather in your part of the world? Are you still having winter, or is it Spring weather? Leave me a comment .