It’s been a very cold few days, here in Fort Worth. I decided to get out my bread machine and make some bread to go along with our chili. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve used my bread machine, mainly because it’s hard to find any of the box mixes at the grocery store. But I found a recipe, for making it from ingredients on hand.

I put all of the ingredients in the machine, and found my yeast. However, it expired in 2022. I took a chance and put it in. Then I turned it on. I watched it for about an hour, and it did NOTHING! Next, I found I had two current pkgs of yeast. So I scooped out the old yeast, and put the new in. It still did nothing. Was I frustrated? YOU’RE DARN TOOTIN’!!
Finally, I threw it all out and started over. It did call for so many teaspoons of yeast, but my pkg was just a smidgeon over that. I added it all. When I put the inner container back in the machine, I turned it a different way, and it clicked into place. Ahhhh…maybe that had been my problem! It started up and did its thing. Woohoo!!! The house smelled so good! I took my chili out of the freezer, and shortly before the bread was done, I heated the chili up. You know how much I love my freezer meals!!
When I took the bread out of the machine, the top of it was caved in. I think it rose too much , hit the top of the machine, and fell back down. The rest of it was fine. Weird.

After I cut the top off, I got to the good stuff. My hubby and I both agreed that it was very tasty. Accompanying the chili, it hit the spot!
I’ve decided to master the homemade mixtures and use it more often. AND…I went to Amazon, and they had a lot of mixes for bread machines. I ordered a mix for Sour Dough bread. We’ll be trying that soon.
Are you a fan of bread machines? Do you use a recipe or do you buy a box mix?

Have a great day. Spring is coming soon. Let me know if you liked this post.
Hugs, Grandma Ruddell