There Were No Heads. What To Do???

Remember this skateboard??? What did it have in common with the art I bought? Read on to find out.

Oh my goodness!!! I went to the Main Street Arts Festival, in Ft. Worth, looking for something funky. I usually buy a head for my head collection. Alas… there were no heads!! The really fun, funky things were out of my budget. But, oh yes, I found something. In fact, I found two things. I’m adding a little class to my life, and inspiration to get my garden in great shape.

In a way, I added a head. I bought a skate board from an artist that hand draws his art on skate boards (without wheels). He is from New Orleans, and had all kinds of great art. He was also working on an original work, while waiting on people. I was so impressed with him.

Hanging on my wall, in my entryway.

The other thing I bought, was for my garden. It is a pole with a beautiful stained glass insert. It was made by Roger Mathews, from Wichita, KS. Mine was one of his smaller ones. He had some really big ones displayed. I really worried, last night, with the rain and wind, how all of those displays held up. Yesterday was the first time they ever cancelled because of weather conditions.

I love going to the Arts Festival, every year, and finding something fun and new. I’m honored to have things in my collection from these artists. I always get some great comments from people about some of the things I have purchased.


I had the great honor of being invited to my former piano student’s Senior voice recital, at Baylor University. Yesterday was Zane Freemyer’s recital, and he did an excellent job! I was so proud that I had helped him with his start in music. He is graduating with a Bachelor of Church Music. After his recital, the family also had a reception for him. There was lots of good food, and fun decorations. Zane was so gracious, going around and talking to everyone. I wish him much luck in the future.

I hope your weekend has been great. I have my two grandkids here, and we are going to go to Palm Sunday Services at our church. There is usually a parade of children waving their palms, with Jesus riding in on a real donkey. I think they will enjoy that.

Just a last thought…..if you are going to run a red light, don’t do that when sitting in the waiting traffic, at the head of the line, is a policeman. Oh my. I have a big fine, and am really lucky no one drove into me. I was frazzled, trying to find the right road.

I’m finishing this post on Monday evening. I’m very sad to hear about Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris. We visited it years ago, and it was such a beautiful , majestic place.

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Grandma Sherry

Where In The World Have I Been?

Wow! It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything on here! I’m so sorry. I’ve been very busy with Christmas and Grandkids. Life has begun again, and we are on a normal routine. Let me fill you in on a few things we’ve been doing.

Christmas was wonderful, even though things were delayed because of sick grandkids. Doesn’t someone ALWAYS get sick during the holidays??? They sure do in our family.

Earlier in December, my brother, wife and my sister came down to visit us for the weekend. It’s hard for us to get together any more, because of jobs and living far apart. So this was really a fun time. I made candy and cookies and fixed goody boxes…my mom used to do that for all of us, every year. Of course, she also put a $50 bill in each one. I didn’t do that, but I did include my sister’s favorite candy…we call them Peanut Butter Crunchies. Some people call them Haystacks.

My sister, Toni, and I

We had the kids here for Christmas, but because of sickness, we barely had any time for all three grandkids to play together. We kept the two Oklahoma kids for a few days, so their parents could have a much-needed time together without children. A funny thing happened to me. I had entered a contest, and I won a matching sweater set for me and my dog! LOL Pretty ugly.

Now, we’re into January. Our highlights include getting my hair cut and colored….oh, the joy!…and taking Isaac to the new Happy Lark. He used to go to the old place, but they just moved and updated everything. He loves going there. We started out with nice weather, and now it’s really cold. Dick and I went to Main Event, and had some junk food and played pool. That was a fun way to spend the evening.

So…what do you do in January???? I am trying to eat healthily and lose weight. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to the gym to get some exercise. So far, I’ve lost three lbs…..count ’em..3!!!! We’ll see how long I can do this. I’m famous for starting and not following through. But I need to get my A1C down to a better number.

Also, I’ve been influenced by all of the January magazines and Netflix’ show, with Marie Kondo. My goal this year, is to create clean, clutter-free spaces. So far, I’ve moved the huge coffee maker, that Dick got for Christmas, into the Butler’s Pantry. I made a coffee bar, and freed up some of my kitchen counter space. (Of course, I have some crowded corners of the counter that you can’t see.) Yes, yes, yes….the new set-up sparks joy. LOL I’ll be giving you an update soon, on all of my projects. I think I’m a little too ADD…I have too many projects to do, and I keep flitting back and forth.

I’ve resumed giving piano lessons, and am delighted to see all of my students . They are so fun! I have two new students starting soon. Dick is about to start a new job, and Jessica, our daughter, is also about to start a new job. Life is good!

What’s happening in your life? Are you in the Snowpocalypse? Leave me a comment below, and press “like” on here, if you liked this article. Be sure and subscribe, if you haven’t before.

Grandma Ruddell

Hello World!

It’s the first day of my new blog. I hope you will join me on my new Journey. Please Subscribe and give me some feedback. Glad you’re here! Take a load off of your feet and sit back and read on. Enjoy yourself. I hope to write new posts at least twice a week.

I’m Sherry Ruddell, also known as Grandma to my three grandchildren. Only retiring a couple of years ago I have taught in several daycares, taught at the Topeka Venture Center,. Music to grades K through 8 at a Catholic school, and after moving to Fort Worth, I subbed at one Elementary School for 13 years.

Also, I have taught piano lessons for 49 years. (Yes, I started when I was 6 months old! šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ)

I love children and seeing the “light bulb” suddenly click for them. I’m kind of a silly teacher. Gotta have fun! I’ve been known to dress up in costumes, wear wigs, have no buttons and a button that when pushed, says “that was easy!” My teacher box includes a voice changer, a rubber chicken, and joke books.

Learning should be Fun and Creative!<

Tell me about you. Do you have any hobbies? Kids? Grandkids? What made you laugh today?