Woohoo! It’s finally October, and maybe only a few more days of high 90* temperatures. Everyone is so tired of the heat, but we may have a bit of a reprieve next week. Bring on the Fall!
My husband was supposed to leave tomorrow, for a 4 day Men’s Golf Outing, in San Antonio. About 8 guys from our church were going to go. The spouses, including me, had great plans for our weekend. Unfortunately, the friend that headed up the golf outing, has become seriously ill in the hospital. Please put him on your prayer list!
I have talked my hubby into going to Little Rock, Arkansas, for our tour of P.Allen Smith’s big garden estate, on November 1st. We’re going to make it a weekend trip. I hope to go to see the Clinton Presidential Library. Dick is hoping to play golf with a friend. I have our tickets reserved for the garden tour. Woohoo! And a friend, very nicely, volunteered to have us stay with them. Wow.

My grandson, Isaac and I have been having Nana School. He just turned three. He’s learning how to use scissors (no easy skill!). He loves to Cut and Paste. He’s learning to count and I put out some numbers, and he has to put that many counting teddy bears to add up to those numbers. Then Isaac makes a pattern out of the bears. He’s loving it! Yesterday, he painted a Jack-O-Lantern form, and then we played Please Don’t Spill the Beans!. Fun.

My daughter, Jessica, had a birthday recently. She got to use the Red Plate. We only use that for special occasions, and then I write down who used it, and what we had to eat.

Our church just had a Live Auction. My donation to the auction was a Dinner for 8, followed by Mexican Bingo. I couldn’t believe it! A group of my friends bought that for $725. Another friend bought a second one for $700. My word! This should be fun.

Another friend, Lorraine Sheppherd, gave me her extra ticket to see “Phantom of the Opera”, with her and her kids. It was at Bass Hall, and it was spectacular!!! Love it.

How is your fall going? October is going to be a great month. What are your plans? Let me know if you enjoyed this post.
Grandma Sherry