This past week, we’ve had our 5 yr. old granddaughter, Libby, staying with us. She lives in Buda, TX, just south of Austin. She really wanted to come and visit, and play with her 4 yr. old cousin, Isaac. We keep Isaac two days a week. When these two kids get together, they play and play and play. Dick and I love having them here. They are old enough now, that we don’t have to watch them all the time. Isaac had a sleepover, one night last week. They know this house well, and have some basic rules that they need to follow. I’m mainly happy when they are not watching TV all the time, or on their I-Pads.

Libby brought her tea set along. She and Isaac frequently played with it. I was pretty tired of tea! LOL I also have a container of play dishes and food. If one were to look under the dining room table, one could usually find dishes and food. Actually, you could find this stuff all over the house!!! The last day she was here, they were back in the Master Bathroom, washing dishes. I was informed of this, when Isaac came in to get dry socks. Yep, some water had overflowed on the floor, he had stepped in it, and there were wet footprints all the way from one bedroom, down the hall, across the family room, and into the play room. I gave him a big towel and he cleaned up all of the footprints, after he changed socks. They spent a long time, enjoying washing and drying the dishes. Hope they enjoy that activity as much when they are older!! Later, I found two empty soap containers and three wet towels. But the dishes looked good.

We made brownies together. Another day, they played with playdoh, while I fixed a roast for supper, and made three pans of lasagne for the freezer.

And then, one day, I let them play in the play room. It got rather quiet. I went in to see what they were doing. They were cutting blue strips of paper, and putting them on the bedroom door, like a cross…..using the glue stick!!! Oh no. I got those off. I just noticed that there are three note cards stuck to the door.

I have a big box…a present for Dick…that I didn’t want to wrap. So the kids painted some designs that I made for them. Libby taped hers on today, before she headed home. They LOVE to paint!

What else could they get into? Oh yes…a couple of things. They hid things. I still haven’t found a remote for our bedroom light. (No, no…it isn’t one of those sexy lights! It’s just the lamp on the bedside table. And no, it’s not the old lamp we used to have, that made a huge shadow on the ceiling, that looked like a large male appendage. ) There seems to be things under every bed and table. Isaac kept unplugging some things. I vetoed that.

I have a couple of boas, hanging on my walls. I know, it’s strange. Goes with my Hat Collection. Anyway, they shed quite easily, if you get against them. When I went to pull down the covers, one night, there were tons of red feathers under the three pillows. GRR. Then I started to turn on the fan. It was full of red and black feathers. The photo is just a small part of what there was. GRRR.
Next week, these two, plus the 8 yr. old brother of Libby, will be here for a day or so. Wondering what they will get into next!!!! I love them all so much.
Happy Holidays. Snuggle up with your partner or your dog. Have a good week. Let’s have a fabulous 2021.

Let me know what you are up to. Do you have fun adventures with your kids or grandkids??
Grandma Sherry