September….wow…lots of things happening here. It has been a month of travelling, parties, grandkids, dogs, and a smelly carpet. My piano students have started back to school, and to piano lessons. They continue to be a delight.
The last week of August, going into the first week of September, we were on vacation. We spent a week in Gatlinburg, and then three days in New Orleans. We were at a resort, that had several units. Our particular unit was brand new, because that unit plus three more they were building, had been destroyed in the big fire that Gatlinburg had, a couple of years ago. Gatlinburg is rebuilding, and you have to look hard to find burnt out homes and trees. There was a little gurgling brook going alongside our unit. On the way there, we stopped to see Loretta Lynn’s house.

Gatlinburg is a little bit like driving through the main drag in Branson, Missouri. Very congested, to say the least. And it was Labor Day….some kids were having their last big hoorah before school started. Once the weekend was over, it was less crowded. The cool thing is that at the end of the main street, the Smoky Mountain National Park started. My hubby loved the park, and he hiked part of the Appalachian Trail. When we drove, slowly, over the mountain to Cherokee, the road was the only main road going across, and hemmed in by beautiful trees. My claustrophobia really kicked in. I was glad to get back to civilization. One day, we did see a bear, and that was exciting.

Other things we did included going into Pigeon Forge, to the Island. We ate at Paula Deen’s restaurant, and shopped at her store. There were lots of fun shops, and I got a start on my Christmas shopping. We also went to Asheville, North Carolina to see the Biltmore estate. What a place.

In New Orleans, Dick fulfilled another thing on his bucket list. He visited the WW II Museum. I spent some time at the Harrah’s Casino, losing my money. Sigh. New Orleans is always hopping.
I had a lot of Mystery Shopping this month. I’ve gotten very good at picking out good TV’s and computers, and knowing whether or not the sales people are doing a good job when trying to convince me to buy.
My Granddaughter, Libby, turned three years old. We had her birthday party here. They brought their new dog, which is a Labradoodle. Bill, our Black Lab, was rather jealous and they had a few territorial fights. Bill grabbed not only his own big chew treat, but also the other dog’s treat, and gobbled them down as fast as he could. Then they had some other treats. So…here’s the plan for the party:

- Grill burgers and dogs outside
- Kids will play outside in Sandbox
- Open gifts
- As kids play inside, adults will watch a big game on TV.
What could possibly go wrong with that????
- It rained. We had to cook the food inside.
- Kids were running around and underfoot.
- Libby opened her gifts….yeah!
- During the gift opening, Bill got sick….at least 6 times on various carpets throughout the house.
- The TV went out on us, and we couldn’t watch the game.
Lord help us, it was one disaster after another. And I tried to clean the carpets from vomit and pee, with a urine/vomit out carpet cleaner. It totally stunk for a week or two. I was so embarrassed!
My good friend, Gayle Landers, was in town for a few weeks. She and her hubby moved to S. Korea a couple of years ago. They are planning on moving back in another year and a half. So while she was in town, I invited all of our Punch Bunch ladies, from church, to a luncheon for her. It was a salad/dessert luncheon and everyone brought something. My husband couldn’t fathom a meal without meat! LOL

We had a fun time. Lots of catching up was happening. After several ladies had left, there was a small group left. We were all laughing so hard, and telling crazy stories. (Which direction do you begin, when shaving your legs?) All of a sudden, the doorbell rang, and it was the Bug Man, come to do the quarterly spraying. He said “What is going on??? I could hear y’all clear down the street?” I told him to beware, we were telling a lot of stories. He just shook his head, and went about his business.
That was on a Wednesday. On Friday, of that week, my sister-in-law, Lu and hubby, Cliff Mark, came up for the weekend. It was our weekend to play Euchre…all weekend! Dick and his sister, Lu are one team, and Cliff and I are the other team. It was so fun. It was also Lu’s birthday. So we celebrated that.

They left on Sunday, and on Monday, I hosted Ladies’ Poker. It’s such a fun group of ladies! Then I had a few days of normal activity. I made a reservation for us and three other couples to go to dinner, on Friday. Our S. Korean friends were back and ready to see old neighbors. I thought about who I invited, and made the reservation for 6 at 6 pm. When we got there, and waited for our table, I counted again, and realized I forgot to count us. I think my brain had been in overload for a couple of weeks!
This week, I’ve relaxed. Tomorrow is my dear daughter’s birthday. Tomorrow evening, Dick is going with a bunch of guys to San Antonio. This is their annual golf trip, to play three games of golf over the weekend. I must admit, I’m looking forward to some alone time. I have my plans!!!! Winstar, here I come!!
How has your September been? Feeling some cooler weather? This may be a fluke day, but it’s nice. I’m still thinking about those folks in North and South Carolina, and along the coast, with the flooding. What a tragedy.!
Grandma Ruddell
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