How’s your week going? This past week, we’ve added some savvy technological things to our house. First…you should know that we are NOT at all technologically inclined. If we didn’t have our son-in-law to help us, we would be still using our manual typewriters! But he and my daughter are very good at this stuff. My husband has always said that I’m a “technological void”. LOL HE is becoming that way!
Here are a few of the things we’ve added in the last month:
–A RING doorbell. The only problem is that my phone has a little delay on it, and I sometimes miss the person. –A WiFi extender….this was to help with the RING. –Two new OUTLETS with two USB ports for charging things. My SIL put one in the kitchen, in about 15 minutes. Yesterday, my hubby put the other one in the guest bedroom and it took about 2 hrs.. (Who’s the void NOW???) LOL –My SIL helped my hubby set up a new email address. Yes. –Today, my SIL brought over a SMART bulb starter kit, which included the port. There were two bulbs. He helped me set that up on my phone and now we can act smart and say “Alexa, turn off the light in the office.” Woohoo! We may not be real smart with all of this stuff, but we have a SMART house! –I ordered four more bulbs, and also a hand held vacuum. It’s especially good for pet hair. We definitely need that!
Tonight, my phone turned weird colors, and looks like a negative background with very colorful little symbols on there. (what do you call those dealies?)
UPDATE: I took the phone into T Mobile, expecting to have to wait an hour or more, while they tried to fix it. It took the gal approximately 3 seconds to fix it. She pulled down the things from the top, and pushed Color Inversion, and it changed it all back! Well…WHO KNEW????
I got sucked in to the wonderful advertisement that was on either Facebook or Instagram. Have you seen this? It’s LED Bars to put around places, that light up when you walk by, and go off after 10 seconds of no activity. had photos of them, and they looked big and fabulous. Well, they DO light up and then go off later. But they aren’t very long, and they take 4 AAA batteries. They don’t last very long. It helps though, when you walk into the kitchen. It would take a ton of them to light up the kitchen! Here’s a photo of one, with a pencil for reference.

My hubby had to go to a meeting tonight. He usually takes Bill, our dog, for a walk. I decided to do that tonight. I’m basically a blob, who doesn’t like to exercise. Dick is an exercise addict. Anyway, when Dick came home, the dog had been walked, the counters were cleaned off, I was doing dishes, and there was nutbread baking in the oven. It smelled so good. I felt like such a proud little housewife! LOL

Tomorrow, we will be taking Bill to the vet, and learning how to give the injections that he will take for his allergies. They are expensive, and I’m scared to do this. Hope I don’t hurt my sweet dog.
AND…the Highlight of the day was having my Grandson, Isaac, poop in his potty! That’s only the second time he’s done that. Maybe it was because I just caught him at the right time. Or maybe it was because we had just read the book, before nap, “The Saddest Toilet In The World.”.
Hope Spring is headed your way. I bought some flowers to plant. I’ll be sharing that in one of my next posts. Please press the LIKE button, if you liked this post, and leave me a comment. Join my subscribers.
Grandma Sherry