Fall is finally here. Yeah! Watch out for monsters. We’ve had quite the couple of weeks here. My poor hubby has been sicker than a dog. When they did an endoscopy, earlier, to see if he had acid reflux, they also did a biopsy of the stomach lining. I guess that’s routine. Anyway, they found bacteria in the stomach lining. He was given three big drugs to take. As soon as he started taking them, he had the chills, a fever, headache, his hair hurt, and he felt like a truck had run over him. Actually, I thought he had the flu at the same time. He was on the meds for 10 days, and in bed,most of that time. Now he’s done with the meds, but is still pretty tired. The flu??? I don’t know. They’ll test him again, in two weeks or so, to see if the bacteria is gone.

Meanwhile, my grandson painted a monster. I thought it was really cute. He’s getting in the Halloween spirit. He’s going to be Jake the Pirate for Halloween. Today, he brought his pumpkin pail to practice trick or treating.

This weather makes me want to cook. I made some Chocolate Pumpkin Bread….pumpkin bread with chocolate chips in it. It tastes fabulous with some cream cheese. I made two loaves, planning on freezing one. But I ended up taking the extra one over to the neighbor…he’s been on strike at GM.

Trying to figure out how to dress for Fall. Of course, so far, it starts out cool and by afternoon, it gets a lot warmer. Yesterday, I needed to go to Arlington for business. So I pulled out a blouse that I bought, earlier in the year. I hadn’t worn it much, but I love the sleeves. I ordered it from Zulily. I ordered three things, at the time. The other two items I finally gave to the church garage sale. Because…of course…I waited too long to send them back to Zulily. Story of my life!
Remember when I was so excited to get my new LG Dishwasher??? When my SIL, Nathan, was over the other night, I told him it wasn’t drying very whoopy. He opened the dishwasher, and the water hadn’t drained out. The soap was still in the little door. AAAAGGGHHH!!! Nathan pulled out the drain thingy, and nothing happened. Finally, he put his hand down in there, and there was a COFFEE FILTER in there!! WHAT?? How did that happen? Anyway, since then, it has worked fine. But I’ve had nightmares, all night long, about slimy soap and clogged drains.
How is your Fall going? Is your weather getting cooler? I see some areas of the country are getting snow. Wow. Have a good week.
Grandma Sherry