Wow….this has been quite the Spring! There have been floods all over the country, and I’ve seen several of them. And, I don’t know if it’s because of all the rain, or because we cut down our photinia trees last year, but my flowers are doing better than ever. Love it!

I’m blessed to live in Texas. We don’t have flooding around my area. Our rivers have been high. Over Memorial Day, I went to Clinton, Missouri area, to a family reunion. My aunt lives up on a ridge, above Truman Reservoir. When they first moved there, we encountered a lot of ticks. So we’ve named it Tick Ridge. It’s always so fun to see everyone at the reunion. It’s about the only time I see some of my cousins.
This year, we had a chili cook-off. Four of us made our own unique chili. Now, I’m known for my chili. I won a chili cook-off at our church, a few years ago. (Of course, the winner was determined by the most money in their money jar. If someone liked your chili, they put money in your jar. It was determined by how much the jars weighed. My hubby decided nickels weighed more, so he went home and grabbed all of my nickels, and put them in my jar. Yep, I won.)
Anyway, at our family reunion, I made my famous Yankee Chili. I find Texas chili to be really different. I like beans, onions, Rotel tomatoes and green peppers in my chili, with lots of spices. As I was making my chili, my aunt and cousins were watching me. (I was being Julia Child.) When I got to my spices, I couldn’t find them. As I started to go out the door, the spices started coming out of the pockets of my aunt and cousins. Brother!!! It turned out that the others were sabotaging each other. The winning chili was Hawaiian Chili, and my cousin put flowers in front of the crockpot to sway the judges. Another cousin had given one of the judges fresh cookies, earlier in the day.

I went to Missouri by way of Oklahoma and Kansas. I stayed all night with my brother and wife, at our farm outside of Cherryvale, KS. When I was ready to return to Texas, the Verdigris River was out of its banks. Tulsa had terrible flooding in parts of town. I can’t believe all of the flooding and tornados that have hit our country!!

Today, we took our grandson, Isaac, to the neighborhood pool. He had a blast. At first, he hung on to Boppa, and then he ventured out to test the waters. Boppa taught him to splash me. Blah.

Tonight, my piano students have their Spring Recital. Luckily, they decided to practice this last two weeks. Two weeks ago, I told my hubby that we should call it the “I Don’t Really Give A Shit Recital.” I have the awards ready, and just have a few things to get done before the recital. Love these kids. I have a bunch of silly awards to give out, in addition to the usual music awards.

Our weekend is totally full. We’re heading to Austin, for a weekend of cards, and seeing our kids new house, in Buda. Then we’ll bring home our two other grandkids, to stay for a few days.
What is your summer looking like? Do you have a lot of plans? Please leave me a message, on this post. Hope you decide to subscribe to the Blog, and press LIKE if you enjoyed this post.
Happy Summer,
Grandma Sherry